Study Links Circumcision to Personality Trait Disorder

Researchers find circumcised men have higher alexithymia scores than intact men. Alexithymia is the inability to process emotions.


Click for full article: Study Links Circumcision to Personality Trait Disorder


Pediatrician Considers an Ethical Stance to Protect Children

Canada’s attitude to HGM (Human Genital Mutilation) of boys is more similar to the UK’s than the USA’s…

2014: Interview with paediatric resident Rachel Gardner during the Bloodstained Men & Friends protest of the American Academy of Paediatrics conference in San Diego.


WHO: Male circumcision for prevention of heterosexual acquisition of HIV in men

The Terence Higgins Trust (Leading UK HIV/AIDS Charity) has no mention of HGM as a means to prevent HIV transmission on its website. Yet … The World Health Organisation on HGM of males as HIV prevention…

Click for Critique by Michel Hervé Bertaux-Navoiseau: Circumcision and AIDS, lies, sexism and apartheid

“The three new randomized controlled trials included in the updated review were conducted among men in the general population in South Africa (3274 men), Uganda (4996 men) and Kenya (2784 men). Circumcision was done using common surgical techniques (the Forceps-Guided technique and the Sleeve Resection method) under local anaesthesia. All three trials had commenced in 2002 and ended in 2005 or 2006.”


Click for full article: Male circumcision for prevention of heterosexual acquisition of HIV in men


Religious arguments to not do male Human Genital Mutilation, (HGM)…

“Using Abraham’s actions as justification for genital mutilation is irrational. By today’s standards, Abraham was certifiably insane. He committed adultery by sleeping with a servant girl, he believed he heard God’s voice commanding him to do things, and he built an altar in order to murder his son because he believed he was following God’s wishes. At the last moment, he believed God wanted him to stay his hand. For these and other reasons, Abraham makes a poor role model by today’s standards. Most of us would be hard pressed to find a priest, rabbi, or imam who would tell anyone to follow God’s commands if they were to hear his voice commanding them to kill a family member.”


Stricken teen ends his life after penile amputation due to circumcision complication

A really sad case of suicide as a result of HGM.

“At an initiation school in May last year Minentle was ill-treated, assaulted with sticks and burnt on his buttocks. He was treated in hospitals in Mthatha and Libode for complications following the circumcision. “He could not take it any more. It was too heavy for him to deal with it and he could not see a future as a man after he had a penile amputation following the illegal circumcision that went horribly wrong,” said Dlanaye.”


Click for full article: Stricken teen ends his life after penile amputation due to circumcision complication

Michel Hervé Bertaux-Navoiseau on HGM

French Sociopsychoanalyst, Psychohistorian, Author of “Feminine and masculine sexual mutilation, the greatest crime against humanity”,   and of numerous articles about Human Genital Mutilation.

Academia, many articles: Michel Hervé Bertaux-Navoiseau on HGM (Human Genital Mutilation)

Sexual mutilation and the moral order (problematics and basic concepts of the struggle against sexual mutilation)

French Lecture – transcript – reads like an academic paper. Points out double standards between genders, and examines possible correlations between cutting cultures and violence (wars, death penalty, female excision).


Abstract: The gender concepts of female (FGM) and male (MGM) sexual mutilation set up sexes the one against the other instead of bringing them together in defence of minors. Indeed, they ignore the fact that sexual mutilation strikes minors, not adults. This because their promoters seem ignoring that the object of sexual mutilation is subjection of minors through repression of autosexuality. The basis of this ignorance is the taboo weighing upon the specific organs of autosexuality, which are destroyed by sexual mutilation. We shall give a definition of sexual mutilation, designate its agent: the moral order, qualify its means: the repression of autosexuality, and point at its consequences: discrimination and segregation under threat of exclusion of opponents.

The worst of allegedly educational violence, sexual mutilation rites set up the law of might through terrorizing the human person at the age when they are the most vulnerable. Barbarian methods of banning infantile sexuality and of denying the right to pleasure, possessory markings exert a perverse sway of the group over the helpless individual in order to force them to work, reproduction and war. Vexatious, it humiliates through condemning personal pleasure by the castration of its specific organs. It frequently makes sexuality painful for women and severely impoverishes autosexuality for men. The atrocious pain, the terror of the operation and the permanent reminder of the related threats of castration, exclusion and death deeply traumatize, the most often unconsciously. So, it is one of the most obnoxious techniques of enslaving the individual, responsible for virulent fanati-cism and violence. Pretending to socialize through warranting a warranted-by-God-in-person moral value but destroying human identity in its most intimate part, its illusory superiority discriminates foreigners and opponents through an artificial racism.

Click for full article: Sexual mutilation and the moral order

Violence against the child leads to a violent adult …

A Historical and Medical Critique of Circumcision – Dr. Christopher Guest

Excellent expose …

Dr. Christopher Guest’s recent presentation hosted by Simon Fraser University’s Advocacy for Men & Boys. This event was made possible by the Children’s Health and Human Rights Partnership (CHHRP.)


Extreme trauma from male circumcision causes damage to areas of brain

“A team of nurses approached Dr. Paul Tinari, PhD, of Kingston General Hospital in Ontario, Canada, to make him aware of something which they had been observing for quite some time. Many of the newborn baby boys circumcised at the hospital were exhibiting excruciating levels of pain so severe, the nurses reported, that the behaviour of these children seemed to be changing in a tangible and possibly permanent way.”

Click for full article: Extreme trauma from male circumcision causes damage to areas of brain

‘I Thought Everyone In Britain Underwent FGM’

How isolated religious or ethnic communities or families can persuade a young person that Human Genital Mutilation is normal – even in a western society such as the UK.

“When Najma moved to England after fleeing Somalia to escape persecution from the Al-Shabaab terrorist organisation, she just assumed everyone in Britain underwent female genital mutilation (FGM). “I wondered if the girls here got stitched up,” she says. Najma underwent the procedure when she was 11 years old. “I was taken to the room that I shared with my mum, and asked to lie down, my face towards the sky. I was held by three women, one holding the upper part of my body, and two pulling my legs apart.”

Click for full article: ‘I Thought Everyone In Britain Underwent FGM’. This Young Woman Is Speaking Out About The Barbaric Practice