Australia, New Zealand: Protection offered by circumcision does not warrant lifting ban, say Doctors

“Cosmetic circumcision is banned at Australian public hospitals, although the surgery can be carried out privately” The Guardian reports on maverick Doctor promoting genital cutting.

Protection offered by circumcision does not warrant lifting ban, say Doctors

Professor Gregory Boyle, psychologist, on the impact of Male Genital Mutilation

Heartfelt testimony from Australian Psychologist, Gregory Boyle …

A fascinating and moving video, first published by A Voice for Men in 2015.

Anatomy of the Penis: Penile and Foreskin Neurology

The most sensitive parts of a dick are removed in MGM (Circumcision) …

“Ken McGrath, Senior Lecturer in Pathology at the Faculty of Health, Auckland University of Technology and Member of the New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Scientists discusses his research into the neural anatomy of the human penis and the physical damages caused by circumcision.

McGrath is author of The Frenular Delta: A New Preputial Structure published in Understanding Circumcision: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to a Multi-Dimensional Problem, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Genital Integrity: Safeguarding Fundamental Human Rights in the 21st Century, held December 7-9, 2000, in Sydney Australia.

Abstract: Textbooks and papers referring to penile function state that the source of penile sensation is solely the glans and often justify the existence of the prepuce by stating it protects the ‘sensitive’ glans. These statements are contrary to the neuro-anatomical and physiological facts accumulated over more than a century. This study reviews the findings of Taylor, et al., that the prepuce is the primary sensory platform of the penis, and describes a new preputial structure.

This interview was taped in Berkeley, California 2010.”

If an adult wants this done, after counselling, that’s OK; to force this on a kid is barbaric!